Principal’s Blog

Principal’s News 18 October 2019

Forging the Future Over the Term break, I was fortunate to participate in an educational leaders’ conference in Perth. Social researcher, Mark McCrindle, was among a strong line up of speakers over the four days. As Principals of schools across Australia, we were challenged to [...]

2019-11-10T18:22:39+11:00November 10th, 2019|Principal's Blog, School News|

Principal’s News 20 September 2019

Music Soiree Recently, the College Musical Soiree was held which showcased the talents and contributions of students from Years 7-12. Congratulations to Ms Bronwyn Dean and Ms Sophie Maclure for their leadership of this event and to all staff and students who participated. Queen’s Scout [...]

2019-09-20T14:52:14+10:00September 20th, 2019|Principal's Blog, School News|

Principal’s News 9 September 2019

The partnership we share with parents and families is very important. At the recent Father’s Day Breakfast, we were able to celebrate the special relationship between fathers and sons. Again, the staff gave freely of their time to ensure everything ran smoothly for which I [...]

2019-09-20T14:44:54+10:00September 9th, 2019|Principal's Blog, School News|

Principals News 23 August 2019

Recently, I attended the 80th Anniversary celebrations of the Dunlea Centre in Engadine, NSW. The Dunlea Centre is part of our Salesian Network of schools and organisations. Formally known as ‘Boystown’, the Dunlea Centre now caters for boys and girls. On Tuesday 20 August a [...]

2019-09-20T14:43:00+10:00August 23rd, 2019|Principal's Blog, School News|

Principal’s News 23 July 2019

Welcome back to everyone for the start of Semester Two. Over the break, many College activities took place and I am grateful to all the staff involved in supporting students whether it was in making improvements to existing facilities, taking additional classes or being part [...]

2019-07-23T12:18:38+10:00July 23rd, 2019|Principal's Blog, School News|

Principal’s News 24 June 2019

Kiribati Immersion Departure Our Kiribati travellers are currently enjoying their time in the Pacific region and are pictured just prior to departure at Melbourne Airport. I am fortunate to be experiencing Kiribati for the first time, spending the first four days with the group. Parent/Teacher/Student [...]

2019-06-24T15:56:29+10:00June 24th, 2019|Principal's Blog, School News|

Principal’s News 11 June 2019

Premier’s Awards In 2018, Harry Foster received a Study Award for excellence in VCE VET Information, Digital Media and Technology. Harry was taught by Mr Domenic Fera, earning a perfect score of 50 for this subject. The annual Premier’s VCE Awards recognise the top-performing students [...]

2019-06-11T16:47:03+10:00June 11th, 2019|Principal's Blog, School News|
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