St Joseph’s College focuses on Academic Excellence without losing sight of the importance of values, justice, and the development of life skills in the building of successful and long lasting relationships.

St Joseph’s College focuses on Academic Excellence without losing sight of the importance of values, justice, and the development of life skills in the building of successful and long lasting relationships. Our motto, Agite Quae Didicistis, translated as put into practice what you have learnt, underpins our daily approach to a holistic education for boys in the 21st century.

The learning methods include practical and applied approaches. The diverse curriculum varies each year to suit how boys learn, and ensure they advance to their highest potential.

Progressive methods and a range of opportunities for students including:

  • 30+ subjects on offer from Year 9 – 12
  • 15+ Sports on offer
  • iPad/ MacBooks for all students
  • Six international trips a year
  • Respectful Relationships Program
  • Renowned Year 9 Program
  • GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Program
  • HPSP (High Performance Sport Program)

Technology for 21st Century
Innovative Curriculum
Sporting Achievements
Academic Excellence
Salesian Preventive System
Experts in Boys’ Education

St Joseph’s College has been at the forefront of introducing new and innovative technology.

Our teaching and learning outcomes are focused on incorporating the latest technology into the classroom environment to prepare our students for a 21st century society.

Introducing the iPad in the first year of availability, showed how St Joseph’s has paved the way as a leader. All Year 7- 9 students have their own iPad and Year 10 – 12 students are supplied with a MacBook.

The College will continue to provide students with an iPad at Year 7 and a MacBook at Year 10. These devices will then be carried through for the following 3 years.

The College also has a dedicated MacLab for students studying art and technology subjects. With quality digital HD cameras for both videos and still photography we provide students with the tools to learn and achieve outstanding results.

The curriculum at St Joseph’s is tailored to meet boys needs. Based on extensive research on how a boy’s brain develops and changes over time, an innovative and engaging curriculum has been developed and strategically implemented.

The learning methods include practical and applied approaches. The diverse curriculum varies each year to suit how boys learn, and ensure they advance to their highest potential.

Progressive methods and a range of opportunities for students include:

  • 30+ subjects on offer from Year 9-12
  • 15+ sports on offer
  • iPad/MacBooks for all students
  • 6 international trips a year
  • Life Skills program
  • Renowned Year 9 program

The Year 9 Valdocco program was designed to address a number of limitations in the traditional approaches for boys. These approaches resulted in low engagement, poor development in higher order thinking skills, and low literacy competencies.

This program engages students in their development as lifelong learners. A range of 28 alternative subjects facilitates for a rigorous responsive and adaptive curriculum. The program aims to set and maintain habits of behaviour that will prepare the boys to function as active and productive members of communities, now and in the future. These include their learning, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual behaviours.