Fees at St Joseph’s are different to other schools. To make things easier for our families, all compulsory tuition costs are covered by an all inclusive tuition fee, capital levy and student levy.
The inclusive fee structure includes:
– All compulsory camps and excursions
– Textbooks and computer applications (Years 7-10)
– An Apple device for each student – iPad (Years 7-9), MacBook (Years 10-12)
– College Yearbook
School photos are even included, giving families the ability to plan out the year knowing exactly how much it will cost and peace of mind knowing your son will receive the resources necessary to succeed in the 2022 school year.
To further assist families, we offer a variety of payment methods and schedules so you can choose the option that best suits you. Payments can be made weekly, fortnightly, monthly, by term or up front for a great discount.
Tuition Fee $7130
Student Levy $2840
Capital Levy $410
Total fees and levies per student $10380
The student and capital levies are per student and are not eligible for pro-rata or family discount.
Family discounts are applied to the tuition component only. The family discount is 5% for 2 students, 10% for 3 students and 20% for 4 or more students. In the past, to qualify your daughter had to attend Mater Christi College and any other sons attend St Joseph’s College. We now recognise parents may choose a different arrangement for one or more of their children including co‐educational Colleges. For this reason, the family discount will now apply to any Secondary Catholic institution.
Optional programs are invoiced separately and include charter bus services, private music tuition, overseas trips and other non-compulsory activities, courses and excursions. VET is also an optional program and extra fees may be applicable.
If a student is withdrawn from the College, a term’s notice is required in writing or fees will be charged in lieu. Levies are not refundable or eligible for part year pro-rata discounts.