Term 3 is a busy time in the life of the College as Students consider their Studies and Pathway for the 2025 School Year.

Subject Selection Handbooks

The Subject Selection Handbooks are designed to assist Students in their selection of subjects for the 2025 School Year.

The College recommends that Students take the time to read these Handbooks carefully and consult with their Parent/Guardians, the Learning Team at the College and other key Staff, as they develop their understanding of the different courses being offered at St Joseph’s in 2025.

Over the next few weeks, Students will have many opportunities (including Subject Consultation Days) to discover more about each Subject, and the various Pathways available to them, in order to make informed decisions about which courses to choose for next year.

Subject Selection Information Evenings

The Subject Selection Information Evenings will outline the structure and general requirements of the 2024 Learning Program. In particular, details of Core, Elective and Acceleration options will be covered on the evenings.

Please click on the link below to access/register for the relevant Zoom Information Session. All Students are expected to be in attendance in full school uniform, albeit in the comfort of your lounge rooms, with at least one parent or guardian.

Subject selection data is used by the school to determine staffing and class requirements for 2024. Students are not prevented from changing selections after the 6 August however this will be subject to availability of spaces. The best approach students can adopt is to make well-informed decisions based on discussions with parents and staff and thorough research (including reading the Subject Selection Guide) and accessing pathways advice from the Director of RTO and Pathways, Mrs Vivienne Egan.