The College Masterplan ‘Towards 2040 and Beyond – An Adventure in the Spirit’ is well underway in terms of its development. Over recent weeks, staff and students have been involved in a consultation process with the College’s architects from Cox Architecture. Over coming weeks, there will be further consultation with members of the community in relation to the Masterplan. Parents will have the opportunity to provide feedback and your ideas are most welcome. Pictured is a consultation process held with staff and students being led by representatives from Cox Architecture. Many people commented on the valuable contribution students made as part of this process. Student “voice” is an important ingredient as we continue forward with our planning.

The biennial immersion to Japan takes place over coming days and there is much excitement in anticipation of this cultural experience in places such as Tokyo and Kyoto. The experience is being led by Mr Andrew Cooper with the assistance of Mrs Vivienne Egan and Mr Graeme Tucker.

The Cross Country Team won Division 2 of the ACC Cross Country competition recently. Thanks to all students involved and to Mr Paul Trubiani and coaches for this fine achievement in our first year competing at this level.

Mr Dale Sheppard finishes his time at the College at the end of Term 3. Dale held a number of significant roles at the College and I thank him for his service and wish him well in the next stage of his professional life.

Term 4 begins on Monday 9 October for all students.

With best wishes for the term break.

Ms Cathy Livingston